Walking By the Sea, where the Gulls cry

Walking By the Sea, where the gulls cry

                          The trains travel by here in Blaine often.   Their tracks are down by the ocean edge, so no one sees the train go by unless they are opposite the bay.   I can watch the train if I walk across the street, and go near to the edge from where I view the train as it passes by.   The regularity of the wheels thumping along can be heard miles before they arrive.   The sound and the thumping begins and by the time the long horn sounds its arrival everyone can tell it is about to arrive.   

                         The gulls are beginning to cry some these days, calling to each other, but they for the most part are clustered in groups in trees and bushes where they stay out of the cold.   There is rain and warmer weather here in Blaine and Birch Bay than in Central Washington.   In Cle Elum and in Roslyn the snow has gone to about 4 feet I understand.    Here, we are with somewhat milder weather, and the birds know it.    I think they are a little confused, because it is so much less colder than it has been.    Perhaps we will have an early Spring?   I do not know.

                           The Bible says "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."   Proverbs 9.10   Again, it says in Proverbs 1.23 "Turn ye at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you."
Jesus said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;  knock, and it shall be opened unto you."  Like the birds crying to each other, letting each other know they are there, and what they want to do, we are here, and Jesus has told us to Ask, to Seek, and to Knock.    
                            ASK.   To ask first means we need to want to know something, or to have something.   We must therefore, be willing to receive an answer.   Sometimes, I think, some of us are afraid of asking, because we are afraid the Lord will give us an answer different from what we picture.   So, many folk decide that ASKING God for something they can do  on their own  is much better than trusting the Lord for His answer.   Walking by the sea, we can see the tides come in, and the tides go out.   The birds watch for the low tides, because then they can skim over and find lots of delicacies they can feast on.    So too, the low tides of how we feel life is treating us can give us 
"feasting" of which would not otherwise be possible.    Proverbs 10.3 tells us "The LORD will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish, but he casteth away the substance of the wicked."   
 Again, it tells us in Proverbs 10.22 "The blessing of the LORD maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow to it."   Proverbs 11.30 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."
                          Walking by the sea,  I know I can view the tides at low and at high levels.   In my life, I am resolved that by the One who Alone is Righteous and Holy, that I will take what my life brings me.   I will ask Him to help me feast even in the scanty times.   I will ask the Heavenly Father to give me a willingness to let Him reprove me in my life, if need be, so that I can discover the joy of what Jesus said when he told the disciples "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you wish, and it shall be done to you."  John 15.7   

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