Along Life's Road - here by the Sea


by June E Cash  


There is something about a Lighthouse that always helps me 
to remember my childhood.   I knew that my grandmother Lillias loved the sea, and that she had grown up knowing what it was to swim in the sea.   I dearly loved my grandmother.   She gave me many photos of her life, and I know she followed the love of her life into the Berkshires, my grandfather being a farmer, she lived lovingly and nurtured my life.
A lighthouse was meant to help seaman at sea who were trying to make the harbor and land safely in the haven of rest.    Then they would all leave to find their homes until the next Journey.
We are on a Journey here.    Our Lighthouse is the Lord Jesus Christ
who loved us and gave Himself for us that as He died and was buried and rose 
again, He might give us Life because He lives.    John 14.19   
When we ask Him to be our Lord and Savior, He will come into our lives and make us brand new.   Jesus makes us NEW INSIDE AND OUT.   He starts on the INSIDE and as we walk with Him
and learn to listen to His dear Spirit who lives in us, He changes us on the INSIDE.
As I walk along life's road, I will keep on trusting Him to be my Way, my Truth, and my Life.  
John 14.6   He alone is the Way to God, and He alone is the Truth, and is able to direct my Life.
His promise was that "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do, because I go to my Father."   John 14. 12  
He was telling the disciples that if He did not go to the Father than the Spirit could not come.
He continued and said, "If you ask anything in my Name, I will do it.  If you love me, keep my commandments, and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter with you for ever.
Even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive  because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him, but you know him, for he dwelleth in you, and shall be in you."   John 14.14 - 17 
                   ASK   SEEK   KNOCK   Matthew 7.7, 8    
        We become the only Lights that others see now -  when Jesus comes into our Lives He makes us the Lighthouse that saves them from their sins.    Are you seeking to find Haven and Rest in a Port and Harbor?   Jesus is ready to save.   He is able to save.    Are you seeking to let your Light shine for Jesus ?  then be ready to ASK Him to do that in you and through you.   Seek His Will, and find in His Word what He asks you to do, and then do whatever He asks.   His first command was to love Him, and His next command was to love one another.    John 13.34 - 35.   


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