
Showing posts from August, 2017


Wednesday, March 15, 2017 EVER NEW IS THE HORIZON EVER NEW IS THE HORIZON  Spring is in the air.   Birds on the wing, and stirrings in the bushes.   The horizon beckons me on to dream and to imagine the possibilities. A good walk begins with the first step.   Into the future we may go, trusting the Heavenly Father for guiding our way. I would like to share a sermon on GOD GIVEN WISDOM from Henry Cash's files. JAMES 3.17  God Given Wisdom  I. It is pure.    Philippians 4.8    and  I John 3.3  II. It is peaceable.    Hebrews 12.11; John 14.27 III. It is gentle.  Titus 3.2 and I Peter 2.18. IV. It is easy to be entreated, to be persuaded.  Acts 28.23,       Romans 8.38 - 39, II Tim. 1.12, Hebrews 12.11. V. It is full of mercy.   Matthew 5.7; Luke 1.78,79;and         Ephesians 2.4 - 5;  I Peter 1.3; Jude 1.21.   VI. It is full of good fruits.  Matthew 7.17; John 15.8,16;       and Romans 6.22; Galatians 5.22-23; Phil. 1.11 and 


BLESSED BE THE FOUNTAIN        1942  We moved in a trailer to Watertown, MA - outside of Boston MA. Here I am at 9 almost 10.   We moved just before Christmas, with the Christmas Tree already up, and I remember how hard it was when we were traveling INSIDE the trailer, to go to our new place.             Dad was working on Construction, which meant moving a lot. Mother did well in teaching me, but I had lots of questions.   My little brother would be 6 in November.   We spent a lot of time together.             Skip and I played a lot together, and because we moved so much, he would find in me his support and help.   There was a River there.   There was a river there.   Our trailer was parked on a vacant lot, we had no utilities, and it was not directly in the city.   Skip (Harry) and I would scramble up the hill back of our trailer, and we played in the woods and the large TREE.   Pretending we were  Tarzan and Jane, we were happy.    I remember


THIRSTING FOR GOD  John chapter 7. verses 37 - 39  Whenever we see an  "IN" in a statement, there is evidence of a lack in the L I F E.   My grandmother watching her father pump his new well York Beach Maine    about 1900 A.D.  Lillias May Brewer with father Luther Wilbur Brewer Without Water, a well is D R Y.   Without priming, it can not bring up the water.  The two thieves on the cross were an example of this. Luke chapter 23: v. 39 - 42.   And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying "If thou be the Christ, save thyself and us."  But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost thou not fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this man hath done nothing amiss."   And he said unto Jesus, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom."  And Jesus said unto him, "Verily I say unto thee, Today thou shalt be with


MAKING MOVES, FRIENDS AND FAMILY      THERE WERE LOTS OF THINGS GOING ON IN MY EARLY YEARS.   1933 - 1944 WERE THE YEARS OF UNCERTAINTY FOR MANY.   Here I am at age 12, with Diane my sister, and Aunt Patricia who was happy to see us.   Pat was 18 then, and very much "like a sister" to me. She babysat me a lot.   This photo shows me at my Grampa's and Gramma's cabin at the lake in Cheshire MA.    I loved this place.   Only went there about five or six times, but it was a highlight for me to go there.   Peace, tranquility, lots of love shared, family coming and going, and love and laughter.   I do not remember any fighting or arguments in the family when we visited. Never a word of criticism for my parents, and never heard anyone out of sorts. strange. That was not what I found in the places we were in from time to time.  We moved and moved and moved.   Dad worked in construction and  so we followed the jobs. For my first


FAMILY MATTERS AND PERSONAL GOALS MY LAST POST ON THIS BLOG - ALONG LIFE'S ROAD - WAS TWO YEARS AGO -                            I HAVE BEEN BLOGGING REGULARLY - BUT SOMEHOW I "CANNOT KEEP MY BLOGS SEPARATE" NOW.     IT SEEMS THAT THEY ARE ALL POSTED ON MY DASHBOARD - AND I CAN NOT ADD OR MOVE THEM - BEING A NOVICE BLOGGER, I  HAVE NOT YET UNDERSTOOD WHAT TO DO TO CHANGE THEM.                                                     please know that I am still blogging still walking along life's road and  still walking by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you type in these titles, you can find each one of them Along Life's Road with Junebug, which will bring you to June's Lilac Corner, Looking for Messiah's Return, Climbing Higher with Junebug, and blogger profile: Biblelady Junebugcash will take you to my dashboard  on which all my posts are seen. Some dates for Perspective on who