We need to let Him guide us.
          Psalm 16.11  Thou will shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

          Here in this Primary School, my grandmother Lillias May Brewer taught for three years.   She was 26 when she married Forrest.
He was about the same age.   She had a love for learning.

This was the York Beach home that everyone loved and cherished.   I believe it is Lillias and Forrest on the porch here.   The story is that when Forrest's best friend asked him to be in his wedding at York Beach Maine, that when Forrest came, he KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that the bride's sister Lillias was a winner ! 

It was 1914 when Forrest married Lillias.

My mother was born in 1915. 

Here are photos of the young couple.

A lovely bride 

A handsome thoughtful young Groom

Would you believe the "identity" I have
with my Grandmother ? in that she lived 
with such a devotion to her husband all her married life.  

Strange to say -  In the thirties it was "not proper" to show affection toward even your spouse in public.   So I never ever saw them hugging or caressing.   However, I have such a deep respect knowing they did LOVE each other.

The clouds in the sky were ever brighter because of the ocean there at York Beach Maine.    My grandmother and grandfather took a step toward the future when they married in the troublesome time of 1914 when war was a big issue.

He took a position with the Electric company in Shelburne Falls, New Hampshire.   Forrest never learned how to swim - but loved to splash in the water.   As an electrician he had to manouver over the dikes in the River to divert the water as necessary for power in the Turbines. 

This photo was of him in Camp training for military work.   He did not end up staying, because he was the ONLY one left to help his Dad on the farm.    

This is a photo of the New England Electric Company where Forrest worked.    As an enterprising young man with only 5th grade education, he was very knowledgeable about Edison, his inventions, and electricity.  He bought his first car and it came in the mail and he had to put it together !   
So by the time he married Lillias, he was already traveling a lot, taking people to and from places.
He worked for his father, and took jobs wherever he could find them.   

My mother could remember 1917 when the flue epidemic spread throughout the area.    Here is a photo of a horse drawn wagon carrying the dead to the place where they buried them.

It was a frightening time for my mother.
Here is a photo of my mother Vida May with her mother Lillias May Carpenter.
April 8 was her birth day.  

What a privilege to have had such a pair in my life.

Psalm  16.1 Preserve me, O God; for in thee do I put my trust.

It is my belief that my Grandmother was very much a believer.   Her father Luther and her Mother "Mamie" [May-mee]  Vida May were strongly Methodist in a time when Methodists were looked down on, because they "were dissenters".     
This is another picture of York Beach Maine
with a "wedding party" in the center by the shore of the sea.

The Lighthouse is the NUBBLE LIGHT HOUSE.
I visited this with my husband in 1987.  It is no longer used, but has an automatic light, and is kept up for tourist purposes.     

Here I am in 1937  June Estelle 
My family came to see my great grand-parents at York Beach Maine.   
Now here I am in Blaine WA where I can see the Drayton Harbor facing the opposite side of the United States of America, on the Pacific Ocean.

Here is a view of Drayton Harbor, taken while I walked by the way on Peace Portal Drive.  It is just around the corner, and I love to walk here.  

Philippians 4.13, 14
Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended [taken hold of]: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." 

As I close again with a photo of my mother and father holding me in 1933, I give you a challenge to discover for yourself in your life, in who you are and whatever lot you find yourself in, to see that God has laid out a PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE and He has given us every thing we need to find it, and do it, God helping you, in His Word the Holy Bible.    
Psalm 119.105  Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Here is a painting I did of a lighthouse by the sea.
The purpose of a Lighthouse is to divert ships at sea from hitting the rocks near the shore, and giving a safe haven to port.    Each of us can find God's Plan for our life if we just LOOK FOR THE LIGHTS ALONG THE SHORE.   
No matter how high the waves come,
the Light of God's Word will always point us in the right direction.   

Psalm 119.130.   The entrance of thy words giveth light;  it giveth understanding unto the simple.

Begin with the simple.
Romans 3.23   All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Romans 6.23  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
John 3.13 - 16 
And no man hath ascended into heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Come journey with me.
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